Thursday, March 20, 2008

Today I baked the cake I need for tomorrows creepy clown cake we're making in class. The cake is yellow so I made a lemon cake and a lemon pudding filling, I hope it taste good because I love lemon! The white cake was TOO sweet. The wilton buttercream frosting recipe is all sugar. They have a whipped icing recipe that has WAY less sugar, instead of 4 cups, 2 tablespoons! I'm looking forward to making that one instead. Hopefully I will still be able to decorate on top of it.

Lost is on, you know its on my dvr so I don't HAVE to watch it right now but I think I might, I'm so addicted! But I'm ready for these dam people to get off the island already, its been 3 years! haha, well only a couple months in "Lost" time.

I'm such a slacker. I got Maddy's Christmas dress before she was even born and now its Easter and I didn't get her one : ( Now the dresses are picked through, of course, not to mention shoes and all that. I'm going to try to find her one tomorrow after class anyway. I have to get new batteries for the camera so I can put up new pics of Mad.

GOOD NEWS: I went to Verizon tuesday and they told me the same thing, phone damage not covered under warranty because its not internal. But the lady was so sweet she ordered me a replacement anyway! So, phew, I will have a new phone tomorrow. And Fabian rigged my old one to get it to charge and I transfered all my phone book and pics/vids of Maddy! I was so sad about that but now I have it! And its time I invest in a REAL video camera and stop relying on my cell phone, thats so sad. haha

EDITED: Okay, heres that cake! I can't wait to start working w/smooth fondant frosting and no more buttercream. I want a smooth fake looking cake. haha

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Glad you found the nice woman to help you with your phone issue.

Cannot wait to see the new cake.