Saturday, March 06, 2010

Poor Chase (In the pic above he is 2 months old at Preston's birthday party). Okay, I'm going to start blogging again, thats just not right that I haven't blogged on him. But I have Facebooked on him, lots and lots, I love you my little cuddle bug!

So, where to begin? I'll start with now, lol. Maddy most likely has asthma. She's on some meds and breathing treatments and I hope she starts to feel some relief. Poor kid sounds awful and is always struggling for air.

Chasey is doing great. He is starting to thin out a bit but he's still my little linebacker! We will know his stats on the 15th when he has his 9 month "well baby" appointment. 9 months already. Where did the time go?? I have no idea. I have TWO kids. One of them is almost 3 and the other is almost 1. Wow. I've been focusing the majority of my energy on raising them, keeping Maddy active and going to playdates. I haven't focused much on my real estate business but I'm going to start and find a happy balance. I really want to move out of Palmdale and to Valencia so that means I need to do something to contribute financially towards that goal.

After Chase's 2nd haircut (yes, Fabian cut it the first time when he was 6 months old, lol. This is on Sunday the 28th of February)

Maddy's pose here was just too cute so I had to catch a pic of her off-guard.

Maddy and Mommy saying "CHEESE"

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