Saturday, March 13, 2010

Munching on Pizza after "Do The Potty Dance" playdate at Christina's.

Chase and Hailey playing on the side while we make masks at our house for the "Mardi Gras" playdate.
Maddy at the "Elbow's Mac n' Cheese Creations" macaroni tasting event we had with our AV Wine & Foodie Enthusiasts group.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Poor Chase (In the pic above he is 2 months old at Preston's birthday party). Okay, I'm going to start blogging again, thats just not right that I haven't blogged on him. But I have Facebooked on him, lots and lots, I love you my little cuddle bug!

So, where to begin? I'll start with now, lol. Maddy most likely has asthma. She's on some meds and breathing treatments and I hope she starts to feel some relief. Poor kid sounds awful and is always struggling for air.

Chasey is doing great. He is starting to thin out a bit but he's still my little linebacker! We will know his stats on the 15th when he has his 9 month "well baby" appointment. 9 months already. Where did the time go?? I have no idea. I have TWO kids. One of them is almost 3 and the other is almost 1. Wow. I've been focusing the majority of my energy on raising them, keeping Maddy active and going to playdates. I haven't focused much on my real estate business but I'm going to start and find a happy balance. I really want to move out of Palmdale and to Valencia so that means I need to do something to contribute financially towards that goal.

After Chase's 2nd haircut (yes, Fabian cut it the first time when he was 6 months old, lol. This is on Sunday the 28th of February)

Maddy's pose here was just too cute so I had to catch a pic of her off-guard.

Maddy and Mommy saying "CHEESE"